Monday 23 September 2024

"Just for Today"

  Lord, for tomorrow and its needs I do not pray.                                                                     Keep me my God from stain of sin, just for today.

 Let me both diligently work and duly pray.                                                                             Let me be kind in word and deed, just for today.

Let me be slow to do my will, prompt to obey;                                                                 Help Help me to mortify my flesh, just for today.

Let me no wrong or idle word unthinking say.                                                                        Set thou a seal upon my lips, just for today.

Let me in season Lord, be grave, in season gay,                                                                      Let me be faithful to thy grace. 

And if today my tide of life should ebb away,                                                                     Give me, sweet Lord, thy sacraments divine.

So for tomorrow and its needs I do not pray,                                                                             But keep me, guide me, love me Lord, just for today.


by Sister Mary Xavier 1856 - 1917.                                                                                       Nun. Family name, Partridge, Sibyl 


 I used to sing this hymn as a boy soprano and I have returned to it, now that I am in my eighty third year. As a prayer, it is simple, direct, and to the point, and wholly apt in the contentious age in which we live.


Saturday 30 March 2024




Waiting with Patience

After Jesus is dead his followers do not realize that they are waiting. After all, what else is there to wait for? Perhaps they feel that they are waiting for their own pain to diminish, their own sense of loss and bereavement. Only time can do that, but the leaden hours go so slowly to the recently bereaved. Jesus’ followers are sharing that experience with all who have lost loved ones.

What exactly is Jesus doing in this strange twilight time between Friday afternoon and resurrection day on Sunday? What is happening in the cool darkness of the tomb? What is the point of this strange lull? Why does God not raise Jesus from the dead at once, in immediate repudiation of the power of death to hold on to the beloved Son of God?

This waiting between Good Friday and Easter Day confirms the reality of Jesus’ death. He does not temporarily faint, and revive, a few hours later. He genuinely lies in the grave, dead. Whatever they thought he was doing, with their help, is over. In the days after the crucifixion, they go over and over in their heads all that they have seen and heard of Jesus, trying to make sense of it. By the time they meet the risen Jesus, they no longer expect the wild revolutionary excitement of the years of Jesus’ early ministry. They know that they have got it wrong before, and they wait this time to hear what Jesus has to tell them. They wait to get their instructions. The disciples who meet the risen Jesus seem a much quieter, more sober group of people. Waiting has taught them patience.

They had thought that they were vital to Jesus’ enterprise, but now they suspect that, since they don’t actually have a clue what is going on, they can’t be as important as they originally thought. Conversations between Jesus and the disciples before the crucifixion are generally characterised by a great deal of baffled questioning, but after the resurrection, the disciples are much more silent and awed. God has done something extraordinary, without any help from them at all. Perhaps they are no longer necessary.

Waiting is one of the most difficult tasks we have to face, because it makes us feel so helpless. In most areas of our lives, we are used to being able to make decisions and choices that will make things happen for us. Our day-to-day lives are so full of things to be done, that we imagine it would be lovely to have a period of waiting, where things are ta ken out of our hands and there is nothing we can do.

But when we are actually presented with a situation where the only thig we can do is wait, we find it intensely difficult. When we, or someone we love is ill, there is a lot of waiting – in hospital rooms, waiting for test results, waiting to see if treatment works. This kind of waiting is almost unvearable, because all our choice is taken away. We cannot make things happen by our energy or force of will. This painful waiting is a hard lesson in reality. Facing what cannot be changed is part of the world. Sometimes we wriggle or negotiate things round the way we want them to be, and then to stand and wait is indeed the only service we can give. It is a service to reality and so to ourselves.

In the early days of the Christian Church, St. Paul gets quite cross with the people who think they know everything about the faith, and are not prepared to wait and learn and be fed by the experience of others. He says they are like babies, still only capable of digesting milk. They have to be patient. (1 Corinthians 3:1-3)


By Jane Williams

Taken from – The Little Book of Lent compiled by Canon Arthur Howells


Thursday 24 March 2022

Consecration of Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


Tomorrow, March 25th 2022. The Feast of the Annunciation.

Consecration of Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary


Today, Pope Francis and the Bishops from around the world will join together in consecrating Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The prayer:-


O Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, in this time of trial we turn to you. As our Mother, you love us and know us: no concern of our hearts is hidden from you. Mother of mercy, how often we have experienced your watchful care and your peaceful presence! You never cease to guide us to Jesus, the Prince of Peace.


Yet we have strayed from that path of peace. We have forgotten the lesson learned from the tragedies of the last century, the sacrifice of the millions who fell in two world wars. We have disregarded the commitments we made as a community of nations. We have betrayed peoples’ dreams of peace and the hopes of the young. We grew sick with greed, we thought only of our own nations and their interests, we grew indifferent and caught up in our selfish needs and concerns. We chose to ignore God, to be satisfied with our illusions, to grow arrogant and aggressive, to suppress innocent lives and to stockpile weapons. We stopped being our neighbour’s keepers and stewards of our common home. We have ravaged the garden of the earth with war and by our sins we have broken the heart of our heavenly Father, who desires us to be brothers and sisters. We grew indifferent to everyone and everything except ourselves. Now with shame we cry out: Forgive us, Lord!


Holy Mother, amid the misery of our sinfulness, amid our struggles and weaknesses, amid the mystery of iniquity that is evil and war, you remind us that God never abandons us, but continues to look upon us with love, ever ready to forgive us and raise us up to new life. He has given you to us and made your Immaculate Heart a refuge for the Church and for all humanity. By God’s gracious will, you are ever with us; even in the most troubled moments of our history, you are there to guide us with tender love.


We now turn to you and knock at the door of your heart. We are your beloved children. In every age you make yourself known to us, calling us to conversion. At this dark hour, help us and grant us your comfort. Say to us once more: “Am I not here, I who am your Mother?” You are able to untie the knots of our hearts and of our times. In you we place our trust. We are confident that, especially in moments of trial, you will not be deaf to our supplication and will come to our aid.

That is what you did at Cana in Galilee, when you interceded with Jesus and he worked the first of his signs. To preserve the joy of the wedding feast, you said to him: “They have no wine” (Jn 2:3). Now, O Mother, repeat those words and that prayer, for in our own day we have run out of the wine of hope, joy has fled, fraternity has faded. We have forgotten our humanity and squandered the gift of peace. We opened our hearts to violence and destructiveness. How greatly we need your maternal help!


Therefore, O Mother, hear our prayer.

Star of the Sea, do not let us be shipwrecked in the tempest of war.

Ark of the New Covenant, inspire projects and paths of reconciliation.


Queen of Heaven, restore God’s peace to the world.

Eliminate hatred and the thirst for revenge, and teach us forgiveness.

Free us from war, protect our world from the menace of nuclear weapons.

Queen of the Rosary, make us realize our need to pray and to love.

Queen of the Human Family, show people the path of fraternity.

Queen of peace, obtain peace for our world.


O Mother, may your sorrowful plea stir our hardened hearts. May the tears you shed for us make this valley parched by our hatred blossom anew. Amid the thunder of weapons, may your prayer turn our thoughts to peace. May your maternal touch soothe those who suffer and flee from the rain of bombs. May your motherly embrace comfort those forced to leave their homes and their native land. May your Sorrowful Heart move us to compassion and inspire us to open our doors and to care for our brothers and sisters who are injured and cast aside.


Holy Mother of God, as you stood beneath the cross, Jesus, seeing the disciple at your side, said: “Behold your son” (Jn 19:26.) In this way he entrusted each of us to you. To the disciple, and to each of us, he said: “Behold, your Mother” (v. 27). Mother Mary, we now desire to welcome you into our lives and our history. At this hour, a weary and distraught humanity stands with you beneath the cross, needing to entrust itself to you and, through you, to consecrate itself to Christ. The people of Ukraine and Russia, who venerate you with great love, now turn to you, even as your heart beats with compassion for them and for all those peoples decimated by war, hunger, injustice and poverty.


Therefore, Mother of God and our Mother, to your Immaculate Heart we solemnly entrust and consecrate ourselves, the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine. Accept this act that we carry out with confidence and love. Grant that war may end and peace spread throughout the world. The “Fiat” that arose from your heart opened the doors of history to the Prince of Peace. We trust that, through your heart, peace will dawn once more. To you we consecrate the future of the whole human family, the needs and expectations of every people, the anxieties and hopes of the world.


Through your intercession, may God’s mercy be poured out on the earth and the gentle rhythm of peace return to mark our days. Our Lady of the “Fiat," on whom the Holy Spirit descended, restore among us the harmony that comes from God. May you, our “living fountain of hope,” water the dryness of our hearts. In your womb Jesus took flesh; help us to foster the growth of communion. You once trod the streets of our world; lead us now on the paths of peace. Amen.








Monday 29 June 2020

Winding down, in an age of coronavirus

"I had a little donkey
He wouldn't go,
Did I beat him?
No! No! No!
I put him in the stable
And gave him some corn;
The best little donkey
That ever was born."

This little song has been trotting around in my head since we first met Oliver: our grandson, and just a month old. As far as I know, it was his first "garden party," and I am pleased to say that informality ruled. The sun was shining, the food and wine were plentiful, and from time to time there was speculation as to what the little fellow was up to: was he smiling, or just doing a pooh in his pants.

As for this nursery rhyme, (that comes with is own jaunty little tune), it spans the generations; it takes me back to "Foyle Street", to "Grandam", and to one or other of our three maiden aunts. Bridie was quiet and hard working and kept her childhood memories to herself, while Maura, cultured and refined, could really make the little donkey do its stuff on the piano; while Kathleen, for her own amusement, and ours, having chalked a tailless donkey on the kitchen floor, would have us, blindfolded and disorientated, "put the tail on the donkey." And happily at that time, no one asked why the little donkey "wouldn't go," or dared to suggest that at its heart, this little song wasn't really about a donkey, but something altogether more profound: the unconditional nature of love.

Now if Oliver's visit was symbolic of the easing of the "lockdown" restrictions, what about this, "Self Isolating Notice," that has been on our front door for the duration:

"If you are delivering a parcel
please ring the bell and
leave it on the doorstep.
             Thank you."

As a consequence, and in this period, only two outsiders have made it past the front door, and then, only into the hall, with the delivery of two "state of the art" vacuum packed  mattresses: standard size double bed mattresses, that at the factory were folded into a quarter of their normal size, and then, with the life squeezed out of them, vacuum packed for delivery. Once delivered, and with the men long gone, it took time, and patience, to work out how to safely release the mattresses from their reinforced plastic shrouds; but, once released and spread out on the floor, slowly they came back to life: (No! not as air beds, but mattresses).

So all in all we have done our best to stay safe. Letters and packages, are quarantined, and groceries delivered, not through the front door, but to the garage, and I make a point of being on hand, at the window, to show our appreciation as the delivery drivers take their leave. After that comes the sorting: deciding what foodstuffs should be quarantined in the garage, and what brought into the house for immediate use, but before they can be stored away, these packages have to be sprayed, (disinfected,) and left to stand for a time before being dried off and put away. And sometimes, in all this business, we lose track of where we are in the process of cleansing, or find that we have to go back to the garage for something that was overlooked, which can mean, more disinfecting: spraying of bolts and handles and yet another washing of hands.

All of this said, and living in comfortable circumstances, there is a sense in which our experience of Covid 19, is far removed from what is the reality for most people. so much so, that at times I have had to remind myself, that the threat is real, and that the virus has had devastating consequences for many people. And I have had to stop myself from becoming irritated by the daily news briefings from the government, that are often, or so it would seem, less than truthful. When a government minister stands there and tells me that they have taken possession of three million plus, "pieces" of protective equipment, for those working on the front line, I smell duplicity. What I want to know, and what the minister knows, and fears, that I want to know, is not, how many "pieces" of equipment have arrived, but how many, full sets of protective clothing are represented in that number, and how that relates to the total need. So in the end, I stopped listening to the government briefings.  

And so as to keep my own world fresh and interesting, I have gone back to baking bread, (though a machine does most of the work), and I have purchased a radiogram: a 1930s look-alike radio, that besides providing the "Wireless", (you have to turn the knob to get the stations), also plays vinyl, cassette tapes, CD's and has a blue tooth facility. And my friend Arthur, who features in my poem "Friendship", has just last week, sent me a CD of the Ballyclare Male Choir. Grounded by the Covid-19 restrictions he is missing not just the singing, but the social life that goes with it. And the Parish Priest has written to remind us that the Church will be open on Sundays in future; and, that we are to look out for a further e-mail explaining how, in the light of continuing restrictions, things will be managed.

And full credit to ZOOM that has kept going throughout, and via which we have had our monthly poetry meetings. This month the theme was food. "The Walrus and the Carpenter", by Lewis Carroll, in which oysters, unsuspecting, get eaten, was one of them, Another was "The King's Breakfast", by Alan Alexander Milne, which provoked some discussion as to whether it was simply a nonsense poem, or a political statement, about power and privilege. What the king wanted, and got, after messages were passed down and up the line, was, a "little bit of butter"on his bread. As for myself, I brought along the opening lines from Chapter XXII of The Odyssey, by Homer, in part because I felt inspired to bring along some Epic poetry; and, having read both the The Iliad, and The Odyssey, some years ago, I especially, in the context of the theme, recalled this particular moment in the poem. But before we get to the poem, some background detail.

Having fought in the Trojan War, (and for a variety of reasons), it take Odysseus ten years to make his way back home to Ithaca, only to find that in his absence, a bunch of hangers on, (suitors), have been abusing the rules of hospitality and eating him out of house and home, while they wait for Penelope to accept that her husband Odysseus is dead, and in the hope that she would accept one of them in marriage. Unaware that Odysseus has returned, (disguised as a beggar), the drama unfolds in the banqueting hall, where he has decided to take his revenge. The first to fall victim to his bow is Antinous, as he indulgently lifts a loving cup to his lips:

"Full though his throat Ulysses' weapon pass'd,
And pierced his neck. He falls, and breathes his last.
The tumbling goblet the wide floor o'erflows,
A stream of gore burst sprouting from his nose;
Grim in convulsive agonies he sprawls:
Before him spurn'd the loaded table falls,
And spreads the pavement with a mingled flood
Of floating meats, and wine, and human blood. . . ."

Now as I began with a donkey, it seems appropriated to end with one, in what is my final coronavirus blog. In the Medina in Fez, (Morocco), I have seen them, as beasts of burden, heavy laden, making their way quietly and obediently through crowded passageways, and again, divested of their cargoes, standing quietly, and I couldn't help but wonder how long they might have to stand there, ignored, until their next assignment. Well in this poem by G. K Chesterton, we are seeing and hearing the world from the point of view of the donkey, who, amidst scenes of  jubilation, is carrying Christ, in triumph, before his passion and crucifixion, into Jerusalem. 

"When fishes flew and forests walked
And figs grew upon thorn,
Some moment when the moon was blood
Then surely I was born.

"With monstrous head and sickening cry
And ears like errant wings,
The Devil's walking parody
Of all four-footed things.

"The Tattered outlaw of the earth,
Of ancient crooked will:
Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb,
I keep my secret still.

"Fools! For I also had my hour:
One far fierce hour and sweet:
There was a shout about my ears,
And palms before my feet."


    ©  Cormac E. McCloskey
   "Foyle St"   
   "The Odyssey" Translation, Alexander Pope, BOOK XXII
   "The Donkey"  A very effective reading  YouTube.

Saturday 6 June 2020

Memories, and other things, in an age of coronavirus

As the saying goes, it was “curiosity that killed the cat,” and it almost killed me in my teenage years. I was climbing a rock-face bare handed, when I came unstuck, crouched on an uneven sanded ledge beneath an overhanging rock. I was in trouble, and knew it. At first I tried to go back the way I had come, but unable to secure a footing, (and perilous though it was,) I had no choice but to clamber back on to the ledge. “You need to stay calm,” I kept telling myself, and “find some way of drawing attention to your predicament.” So with great care I removed a shoe, the intention being to drop it when the next lot of people came clambering over the rocks below. But fortunately, a man some distance out in a boat, spotted that I was in trouble, and managed to get the attention of those on the top of the cliff, and those who were clambering over the rocks below. Between them, and with no little skill and imagination, I was hauled up between one of the rescuers who had come up from below, and the overhanging rock-face to safety. Many times in the past I had clambered over those same boulders of rock, that is, until it occurred to me that climbing bare-handed to the top of Ramore Head, would be more interesting; so I did, successfully, only to be caught out at the second attempt. And fortunately, when it came to the rescue, the overhanging boulder was just below the surface.

Now as to whether or not divine providence played a part in my rescue on this occasion, I have no means of knowing, But, when on holiday in Havana, (Cuba,) the divine intervention was self evident.

We were on an early morning visit to one of several old fortresses, in this instance, Castillo de los Tres Reyes del Morro, or, (Castle of the Three Kings of Morro). When it came to getting off the coach, I stepped back, allowing Jenny, who had the inside seat to go first; a gesture that prompted many other passengers to take advantage and scramble off ahead of me, so that by the time I stepped off the coach quite a little crowd had gathered. Stepping forward, and feeling a hand on my shoulder, I stopped, and looking back, saw Jenny’s outstretched arm; she had her back to me, and was talking to the bus driver, so no words passed between us; but, the outstretched arm and hand on my shoulder, was sufficient to alert me to the danger: the sun was so bright, and the water clear, and we were parked so close to the waters edge, that without what seemed like an instinctive action on Jenny’s part, I would have walked over the edge of the causeway. But for me, there was nothing instinctive about it, it was divine intervention: for God, who keeps His word, would not allow that I should drown in Havana. And the more remarkable the intervention, because Jenny, so to speak, is not, “among the believers.”

Be that as it may, I am 78 and still going, minus my appendix, gall bladder and benefiting from some positive refurbishments: plastic surgery on my nose, triple heart bypass surgery, and a new lens, and a prosthesis, fitted around the Iris, with the same to follow sometime soon in the other eye. And I have just taken delivery of some sturdy household scaffolding, with variable work platforms, a tools shelf, and wheels that lock. There is nothing as tiring, or as uncertain as working from a ladder, especially when it comes to trimming hedges on uneven ground. So from here on in, the emphasis is on comfort and safety. But that’s not all.

Very recently, and somewhat reluctantly, I have come to the conclusion that the time has arrived for a second cull of books, the first occurring when we moved house a few years ago. So the questions that arise are, What to keep, and what to let go? and Why? And is it possible in this digital age, that I won’t find a home for a full set of Encyclopaedia Britannica, leather bound and gilded, and for the children’s 18 volume equivalent, in bright red hardback, gilded and catching the eye on the shelf.? Will the parents of Oliver, our recently arrived grandson, (again, in the context of this digital age,) be interested? Or is it a sad truth that these and many other such items will end up in the recycle bin. But, even before I get going, some things I know will survive: anything that has to do with philosophy, theology, astronomy and mythology, religion, and evolution; and little of anything from my collection of poets and poetry, will disappear. And of course, when it comes to history and politics, biography and autobiography, each book will have to be considered on its merits, a task that might be more taxing in the context of things Irish. But here, by way of example, are a few that readily come to mind, and will be staying: Hitler And Stalin: Parallel Lives, by the acclaimed and late historian Alan Bullock. And a no less accomplished biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, by Eberhard Bethge, and the writings of Ernest Hemingway, whose path we trod in Cuba, and lastly a man who, night after night during “the troubles,” made the same nasal sounds as myself, when reporting from Parliament for the BBC, John Cole, who titled his memoirs, As It Seemed to Me: From Harold Macmillan to John Major. And I am also well disposed to keeping the many, expensive, travel brochures that we have collected over the years.

And lastly, the Children’s Encyclopedia by Arthur Mee, that I purchased, second hand, for reasons of sentiment. It was part of the fabric of home, and will  survive the cull. At one period in his life, our father, going literally from door to door, negotiated a sale, and was once heard to remark, that he had never called at a house ashamed of what it was that he represented: for he had both the education and experience in life, to know its worth. Well I purchased it, not because our father sold it, but because in my formative years the best I could do with it was to look at the pictures; so in today’s parlance, I am, shape aware, having, all those years ago, absorbed so many buildings, sculptures, monuments, insects, birds, costumes, flags, locomotives ,etc., etc.,  and the innards of the industrial revolution. And in particular, I readily recall the sculpted image of a man bearing the weight of the world on his shoulders, whom I now know, in Greek mythology, was the Titan Atlas. And so in my evolving understanding of the world, and limited though it was, Arthur Mee had a god like status, which brings me nicely to Fleet Street.

I used to work in Fleet Street, for five years to be exact, for Reuters. It was before the printing presses (with much acrimony) were moved out to Wapping. So I know where all the watering holes used to be: Ye Old Cheshire Cheese, The Cartoonist, and, the Tipperary, all, along with many others, on Fleet Street. And when, for reasons of space, we moved to the London International Press Centre, at the top of Ludgate Hill, there, in a state of dwarfism beside it, was The Printer's Devil. And when, yet again, we moved back across Fleet Street and beyond to John Carpenter House, in John Carpenter Street, the Ludgate Cellars were close bye. 

Understandably, things around Fleet Street are not what they once were; but, Ye Old Cheshire Cheese, (that in 1667) was rebuilt after the Great Fire of London, is still in business, as is the four hundred year old Tipperary, of which a reviewer, giving it five, (green) stars, recently wrote:

“Great wee pub,
Right in Fleet Street.
This is a proper Irish Pub in the middle of London serving excellent Guinness and Tayto cheese.”

Well, when some time ago I was reading a Biography of Arthur Mee, “writer, journalist, and educator,” I made an unexpected, quirky, but none the less pleasing discovery, that this great man had worked at his desk, in my very own place of employment - John Carpenter House.


  ©    Cormac E. McCloskey

Photo: Climbing along the public footpath, to the top of Ramore Head.
"among the believers" : the title of a book by VS Naipaul

Sunday 17 May 2020

The Sun, in an age of coronavirus

Recently I was asked by a friend to comment on a poem that had come to him in an email; it was to do with the COVID- 19 epidemic, and my reply was to the effect that I thought that the writer, "a man of the cloth," as we say, could have worked a lot harder at his poem.

The first thing that struck me about it, was, that it was too long, and platituutionis (in the juxtapositioning of ideas), and devoid of emotion; and, among other things, I asked, where was the grief, the pain, the anguish, the despair, the "crucified Christ," and pointedly, where are the children? And for good measure, (for I was feeling a bit angry at this point), I threw in the plight of refugees, most of whom are living in camps, in squalour, and in a seemingly endless state of "lockdown." And after such a downer, I had to offer an upper: that the inclusion of these deeply personal responses to COVID -19, would have brought the poem to life, and the moreso, when set against the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.

Now whatever flaws I might have found in the poem, I can't say the same about the sun, though I can admit to the truth, that for much of my adult life I have taken it for granted; and why not, for not only has it always been there, but, as we know, the sun is present even in its absence, and most important of all, although separate form the earth, the sun is integral to it: it is the provider and sustainer of life, no light, no life, and thankfully, given our capacity, as humans, to mess things up, it is beyond the reach and influence of man,  In fact, it is everything that we are not; not only is it self-sufficient, but it is there for our benefit.

Now if we are dependent on the sun for our very existence, of necessity the earth has to cooperate, or if you prefer, work in a way that allows all of us to share in its life giving properties, hence, with each evolving day, we pass from darkness into light; but of course it is more profound than that, for it is the changing tilt in  the earth, in its year long journey around the sun, that gives us the seasons of the year, thereby allowing all of us, (more or less equally), to share in the richness of what the sun has to offer. Hardly surprising then, that from the earliest of times, and in mythology, the sun has been both an object of wonder and a deity.

Now when it comes to the sun, there is a sense in which data seems superfluous, for it is in its sheer brilliance that the sun speaks to us, but in defence of data, here are a few additional details that literally! go a long way, and put not just us, but the sun in perspective. While we, so to speak, tip-toe around it, the sun, (that is 109 times bigger than the earth), and our entire solar system, makes its way around the inner edge of the Milky Way, along the spiral arm, Orion Cygmus; a journey that takes 230 million years to complete. And if we ask the question, What lies beyond the Milky Way? space science holds out the possibility that there might be as many as one hundred billion galaxies in the universe. But as we are in danger here of serious overload, let me return to planet earth, and a personal perspective.

For me the sun is a miracle, a daily recurring and stunning manifestation of the reality of God, that, for all the physical and technical reasons listed above, flies in the face of the notion that planet earth, and all that has been accomplished in it, is simply a product of chance, (a random and evolutionary coming together of various substances) that,  somehow resulted in us. It is an idea as unconvincing as the notion that the car parked outside our house, just happened; or than the neolithic monuments at Newgrange, in Ireland, at Stonehenge here in England, or elsewhere, likewise, just happened. 

So why am I telling you this? 

Well, it's all the fault of COVID-19, that has myself and Amber, (of necessity), out walking at the crack of dawn; and in the eight weeks that we have been doing so, we have witnessed some spectacular sunrises, an experience that has taken me back to a particular moment in my teenage years.

Standing at the water's edge on what was a drab seafront, I found myself reflecting on the complex nature of the world into which I was born: a world of serious political and religious division, and what particularly caught  my focus at that moment, was the sun, high in the sky, in all its splendour, and presiding over the world in all its diversity. India, about which I knew almost nothing, had come to mind, and the sun, at that moment, was a visible and tangible manifestation of the Divine. And profound though that moment was, I knew nothing of what the psalmist had to say of the sun, or of how effectively he had written of the transition from darkness into light:

"You made the moon to mark the months;
the sun knows the time for its setting.
When you spread the darkness it is night
and all the beasts of the forest creep forth.
The young lions roar for their prey
and ask their food from God.
At the rising of the sun they steal away
and go to rest in their dens.
Man goes forth to his work,
to labour till evening falls.

Nor could I have known as I stood on that drab shoreline, that one day I would have the pleasure of reading a remarkable book, not yet in the making, but to be written by the Polish journalist Ryszard Kapuscinski, who had spent forty years reporting from Africa. And everything about his experience is captured in the title. The Shadow Of The Sun: My African Life. In it he documents the lives of all the political figures, and political regimes of Africa, some good and some bad,  who occupied the world stage in my lifetime. But altogether more interesting are his insights that he gives into the cultural histories and traditions of the people of Africa, pre and post their colonial eras. And though the book was first published in 1998, I suspect, that since that date little, in Africa as a whole, has changed. He died in 2007. 

Now as I have laid claim to the sun for God, here is a passage from Ryszard: he is in the bus station in Accra and waiting, (a very significant concept in Africa), for a bus to Kumasi. Having described in vivid detail the bus station, as resembling a hugue circus that has just rolled in to town, he goes on to interpret what it is that he is seeing:

"The spiritual world of the "African" (if one may use the term despite its gross simplification) is rich and complex, and his inner life is permeated by a profound religiosity. He believes in the coexistence of three different yet related worlds.
   The first is the one that surrounds us, the palpable and visible reality composed of living people, animals, and plants, as well as inanimate objects: stones, water, air. The second is the world of the ancestors, those who died before us, but who died, as it were, not completely, not finally, not absolutely. Indeed, in a metaphysical sense they continue to exist, and are even capable of participating in our life, of influencing it, shaping it. That is why maintaining good relations with one's ancestors is a precondition of a successful life, and sometimes even of life itself. The third world is the rich kingdom of the spirits - spirits that exist independently, yet at the same time are present in every being, in every object, in everything and everywhere.
   At the head of these three worlds stands the Supreme Being, God. Many of the bus inscriptions speak of omnipotence and his unknown omnipotence: "God is everywhere," God knows what he does," "God is mystery." There are also some more down-to-earth, human injunctions: "Smile," "Tell me that I'm beautiful," and lastly, "Those who bicker like each other."

So what then of the sun; will it rise tomorrow and continue to do what it has been doing for the past 4,543 million years, (the age of the earth) ? Short of divine intervention, the answer has to be - yes!


      © Cormac E. McCloskey

      "a man of the cloth" - a priest.
      Psalm. 104/105
      The Shadow Of The Sim
       Ryszard Kapusdinski
       Allen Lane: The Penguin Press

       The spiritual and corporal works of mercy - here


Sunday 5 April 2020

Childhood, in an age of coronavirus.

In my childhood days it wasn't uncommon for adults to tell fibs about children, to children. Here's one told to me by my maiden aunt, Kathleen:

"Birds in their little nest agree,
it is a shameful sight,
when children of one family
fall out, and chide, and fight."

Of course I didn't know that they were fibs, little moral tales for our edification; and I have since written an affectionate poem about aunt Kathleen: "A Hard Bargain", that dwells on another side of her character. She was a wheeler-and-dealer in Heaven, striking bargains with the angels and saints; Mary and Anthony come readily to mind. Under their statues she would leave promissory notes, (ten shillings in old money) to be precise, with instructions by way of prayer, that as soon as they. Mary and Anthony that is, had done whatever it was that she wanted them to do, the money would go to a good cause, or causes, that she knew the Virgin and Saint Anthony would approve of.

But  now that I am old, and wise, and regardless of anything that aunt Kathleen might have said, I can tell you for certain that the behaviour of some birds is shocking, as here, where the house-martin having done all the hard work, and is ready to move in, finds that the house-sparrow has got in ahead of her, and is claiming squatters rights. What a wonderful moral tale, (from so many angles), if only aunt Kathleen had known about it, which is why I am telling it to you, as told to me, by Gilbert White:

"About the middle of  May, if the weather be fine, the  martin begins to think in earnest of providing a mansion for its family. The crust or shell of this nest seems to be formed of such dirt or loam as comes most readily to hand, and is tempered and wrought together with little bits of broken straws  to render it tough and tenacious. As this bird often builds against a perpendicular wall without any projecting ledge under, it requires its utmost efforts to get the first foundation firmly fixed, so that it may safely carry the superstructure. On this occasion the bird not only clings with its claws, but partly supports itself by strongly inclining its tail against the wall, making that a fulcrum; and thus steadied,  it works and plasters the materials into the face of the brick or stone. But then, that this work may not, while it is soft and green, pull itself down by its own weight, the provident architect has prudence and forbearance enough not to advance her work too fast; but by building only in the morning, and dedicating the rest of the day to food and amusement, gives it sufficient time to dry and harden. . . . .By this method after about ten or twelve days is formed a hemispheric nest with a small aperture towards the top, strong, compact, and warm; and perfectly fitted for all the purposes for which it was intended. But then nothing is more common than for the house-sparrow, as soon as the shell is finished, to seize on it as its own, to eject the owner, and to line it after its own manner."   *

And thinking of all of this I am reminded of another perspective on childhood that was around at the time. It was to do with Christopher Robin - a very very upper- class little boy, who, kneeling by the side of his bed, struggled with his night prayers: "When I open my fingers a little bit more, / I can see Nanny's dressing-gown on the door, / it's a beautiful blue but it hasn't a hood, / God bless nanny! and make her good. . . ." And what intrigues me now about this song, is just how much myself and Christopher had in common, because it was while saying my night prayers, that I suddenly had the notion to tip Saint Anthony on his side so as to see what was underneath, and that was that, for, "forgetting my prayers completely," I went looking for more statues, and then, and in my pajamas, and to aunt Kathleen's consternation,  I came leaping down the stairs to tell everyone of what I had found.

Something else that was around at the time, and that had nothing whatever to do with piety, or moral rectitude, but rather with the capacity of the child to see through the pretensions of adults, - and be downright annoying with it, was the magical poem by Lewis Carroll, "You Are Old, Father William". In the telling of this story the boy, of course, could be any boy, but whoever he is, and wherever he come from, his father is always William.

"You are old father William" the young man said
"and your hair has become very white;
and yet you incessantly stand on your head -
Do you think at your age it is right?"

At  first father William was patient in his replies, but when the boy becomes too personal and marvels at his father's ability to balance an eel on  the end of his nose, - despite his failing eyesight, it all became too much for the old man:

"I have answered three questions, and that is enough,"
Said his father. "Don't give yourself airs!
Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?
Be off, or I'll kick you downstairs!

And lastly, this, the opening words of a song that have to do with the child's capacity to wonder; and besides being a song, the construct of the words are such, that it is also an exercise in diction. As a boy soprano I sang it in a competition at which, Sir Malcolm Sargent, was present as a guest of the adjudicator. In the competition I came second, and as Sir Malcolm was there as a guest, I have no means of knowing what he thought of my singing.

"Is it I wonder a rum thing,
oe nothing to wonder upon,
that whenever a man's doing something,
there's always a boy looking on.

He may stand for hours like a dumb thing,
but this can be counted upon,
that wherever a man's doing something,
there's always a boy looking on."

So why am I telling you all this?

Well those who have read my previous blogs, will know that under the current COVIC-19 restrictions, of which "social distancing" is a part, I now take Amber for her morning walk at 6 am, and her evening walk at 8. Walking at these times makes it easier, in terms of the virus, to stay safe; but such is the solitude in the residential streets in the early evening, that  I couldn't help but be reminded of the story of the "Pied Piper of Hamelin"; for, not only are there no children in sight, but they are not to be heard either, in the many private gardens as we pass. They have simply disappeared.


   ©       Cormac E.McCloskey

A Hard Bargain   here

The Natural History of Selborne   *
By Gilbert White   (1720-1793)
My edition: 1900.
Still readily available i.e. Penguin Classics, and others.

Blog: Between The Covers   here

You Old, Father William:   here

The Pied Piper of Hamelin  here